1999年 毕业于山东医科大学临床医学专业,获医学学士学位。
2002年 山东大学医学院病理学与病理生理学专业硕士研究生毕业后留校任教。
2006年5月至2007年8月 在瑞典卡罗琳斯卡医学院从事合作研究一年,主要从事乳腺癌染色体不稳定性及细胞周期改变等方面的研究。
2015年1月 赴美国西南医学中心病理系学习。
1.Zhishuang Li, Jingjing Cui, Qiong Yu, Xiaojuan Wu, Aifeng Pan, Li Li*. Evaluation of CCND1 amplification and CyclinD1expression: diffuse and strong staining of CyclinD1could have same predictive roles as CCND1amplification in ER positive breast cancers. Am J Transl Res 2016;8(1):142-153.
2.Wang X ,Li L ,Cragun JM,Chambers SK,Hatch KD ,Zheng W. Assessment of the Role of Intraoperative Frozen Section in Guiding Surgical Staging for Endometrial Cancer.Int J Gynecol Cancer.2016 Apr 5. [Epub ahead of print]
3.Li Z, Jia M, Wu X , Cui J, Pan A, Li Li*.Overexpression of Trps1 contributes to tumor angiogenesis and poor prognosis of human osteosarcoma. Diagn Pathol. 2015,10(1):167.
4.QiongYu,YanLi,KunMu,ZhishuangLi,QingyongMeng,XiaojuanWu,Yan Wang, Li Li*. Amplification of Mdmx and overexpression of MDM2 contribute to mammary carcinogenesis by substituting for p53 mutations. Diagnostic Pathology,2014, Mar 25,9:71.
5.Li X , Li L , Moran MS, Jiang L , Kong X , Zhang H, Zhang X , Haffty BG, Yang Q. Prognostic significance of calcium-sensing receptor in breast cancer. Tumour Biol. 2014,35(6):5709-15.(并列第一作者)
6.Yan Li ,Li Li , Yan Guan , Xiuju Liu , QingyongMeng , QisenGuo. MiR-92b regulates the cell growth, cisplatinchemosensitivity of A549 non small cell lung cancer cell line and target PTEN. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 440 (4) 604–610. (并列第一作者)
7.Li L, Li J, Hao C, Zhang C, Mu K, Wang Y, Zhang T. Immunohistochemical evaluation of solid pseudopapillary tumors of the pancreas: the expression pattern of CD99 is highly unique. Cancer Lett. 2011;310(1):9-14.
8.Kun Mu,Li Li ,Qingrui Yang, Tingguo Zhang, PengGao, Bin Meng, Zhiyan Liu,Yan Wang , GengyinZhou.Detection of CHK1 and CCND1 gene copy number changes in breast cancer with dual-color fluorescence in-situ hybridization. Histopathology.2011,58(4): 601- 607. (共同第一作者)
9.Li Li, Kun Mu , Gengyin Zhou , Li Lan , Gert Auer, Anders Zetterberg. Genomic instability and proliferative activity as risk factors for distant metastases in breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 2008, 99: 513–519
10.李丽郭东辉王轶英郑文新. 子宫内膜癌病理研究进展及临床意义.实用妇产科杂志.2015,31(11)。
11.李志爽,孟庆勇,于琼,周志强,李丽*. 定量多基因荧光原位杂交检测乳腺癌中c-myc和CCNE2基因扩增.中华病理学杂志.2014,43(7):455-458.
12.李丽,周庚寅,张翠娟,高鹏,孟庆勇. 植物籽多酚逆转人乳腺癌多药耐药性及其机制的研究.中华普通外科杂志.2004,19(8):488-490.
13.李丽,周庚寅,靳英,高鹏,张翠娟,林晓燕. 葡萄籽多酚对多药耐药的逆转作用及其机制.山东大学学报.2004,42(4):387-389.
14.李丽,周志强,刘洪琪.嗜酸性肺炎一例. 中华病理学杂志.2004,33(4):154.
15.李丽,王妍.睾丸旁胚胎性横纹肌肉瘤一例. 中华病理学杂志,2004.33(6):259.
16.李丽,周庚寅.肉瘤样肾细胞癌2例. 临床与实验病理学杂志.2004,33(6):384.
17.Yin A, Zhang Q, Kong X, Jia L, Yang Z, Meng L, Li L, Wang X, Qiao Y, Lu N, Yang Q ,Shen K, Kong B. JAM3 methylation status as a biomarker for diagnosis of preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the cervix. Oncotarget. 2015 Oct 27. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.6250. [Epub ahead of print]五年 6.368
18.Mu K, Li L , Yang Q, Yun H, Kharaziha P, Ye DW, Auer G, Lagercrantz SB, Zetterberg A.A standardized method for quantifying proliferation by Ki-67 and cyclin A immunohistochemistry in breast cancer. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2015 Aug;19(4):243-8.
19.Yuan Z, Wang L, Wang Y, Zhang T, Li L, Cragun JM, Chambers SK, Kong B, ZhengW.Tubal origin of ovarian endometriosis. Mod Pathol.
20.Li P, Liu K, Li L, Yang M, Gao W, Feng J, Lv Y , Qu X, Kong B. Reduced CMTM5 expression correlates with carcinogenesis in human epithelial ovarian cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer.2011,21(7):1248-55.
21.Li W, Li L, Liu Z , Liu C , Liu Z, Str??t K, Bj?rkholm M, Jia J, Xu D. Expression of the full-length telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) transcript in both malignant and normal gastric tissues. Cancer Lett, 2007, 260(1-2): 28-36.
22.Wu X , Zhang X, Zhang H , Su P, Li W , Li L , Wang Y , Liu W, Gao P, Zhou G ..Progesterone receptor downregulates breast cancer resistance protein expression via binding to the progesterone response element in breast cancer. Cancer Sci.2012,103(5):959-67.
23.Zhang X , Wu X , Su P, Gao Y, Meng B, Sun Y , Li L , Zhou Z, Zhou G . Doxorubicin influences the expression of glucosylceramide synthase in invasive ductal breast cancer. PLoS One. 2012;7(11):492-501.
24.Zhang K, Li C, Liu Y, Li L, Ma X, Meng X, FengD.Evaluation of invasiveness of astrocytoma using 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy: correlation with expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2. Neuroradiology. 2007,49(11):913-919.
25.GaoPeng, Zhou Geng-Yin, Lei Da-Peng, Zhang XF, Li Li, Xu JW, Lin XY.Selection of antisense oligonucleotides for reversal of multidrug resistance in breast carcinoma cells. Cytotherapy,2007,11: 795-801.
实用胰腺肿瘤外科山东大学出版社 2004 参编
病理学学习指南山东大学出版社 2005 参编
病理学应试指导同济大学出版社 2005 参编
组织病理学技术北京大学医学出版社 2006 参编
肾脏病理诊断图谱北京大学医学出版社 2007 参编
2006年版国家临床执业医师资格考试考点精编 病理学篇
2007年版国家临床执业医师资格考试考点精编 病理学篇
诊断免疫组织化学北京大学医学出版社 2008 参编
肿瘤多药耐药相关基因表达及植物多酚对其逆转作用的研究 2003年山东省科技厅科技进步三等奖第二位
Pgp配体肽介导靶向性基因治疗逆转乳腺癌多药耐药的研究 2007年山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖二等奖第六位
基于校内培养和学科交叉的研究生国内外联合培养模式 首届山东省研究生 教育省级教学成果奖三等奖(2009110)第六位