1980.9-1985.7 泰山医学院临床医学专业,本科,学士
1985.7-1988.8 山东菏泽医学专科学校病理学教研室,助教
1988.9-1991.6 山西医科大学病理学专业研究生,硕士学位
1991.7-2002.6 山东医科大学及山东大学医学院病理学教研室,助教、讲师、副教授、教授
2006底 任教研室及齐鲁医院病理科副主任
2002.7-2004.7 哈佛大学医学院附属麻省总医院,博士后研究
2008 任齐鲁医院病理科主任
2012.3-5 美国亚利桑那大学医学院医学中心研修妇科病理学
山东省医学会病理学分会 主任委员
中华医学会病理学第十二届分会 委员
中华医学会病理学分会女性生殖道病理学组 委员
中华医学会妇产科分会妇科病理学组 委员,副组长
临床与实验病理学杂志 编委
中华临床医师杂志 编委
中华病理学杂志 编委
山东大学学报医学版 审稿专家
现代妇产科进展 审稿专家
Clinic Cancer Research 审稿专家
中国优生科学协会阴道镜和宫颈病理学分会(CSCCP) 常委
1)Lei Xiang, Gengyin Zhou, Peng Su, Shujun Xia, Bo Han, Yan Wang, Tingguo Zhang. Could Postmortem Hemorrhage Occur in the Brain?: A Preliminary Study on the Establishment and Investigation of Postmortem Hypostatic Hemorrhage Using Rabbit Models. The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology, 04/2013 通讯作者
2)Li Li, Jinsong Li, Chunyan Hao, Cuijuan Zhang, Kun Mu, Yan Wang, Tingguo Zhang. Immunohistochemical evaluation of solid pseudopapillary tumors of the pancreas: the expression pattern of CD99 is highly unique. Cancer letters. 2011; 310(1):9-14.通讯作者
3)Ta-Chiang Liu, Tingguo Zhang, Hiroshi Fukuhara, Toshihiko Kuroda, Tomoki Todo, Robert L Martuza, Samuel D Rabkin, Andreas Kurtz. Oncolytic HSV armed with platelet factor 4, an antiangiogenic agent, shows enhanced efficacy. Molecular therapy, 2007; 14(6):789-97.并列第一
4)Nisreen Abushahin, Tingguo Zhang, Sarah Chiang, Xiangsheng Zhang, Kenneth Hatch, Wenxin Zheng. Serous endometrial intraepithelial carcinoma arising in adenomyosis: a report of 5 cases. International journal of gynecological pathology : 2011; 30(3):271-81.并列第一
5)Ta-Chiang Liu, Tingguo Zhang, Hiroshi Fukuhara, Toshihiko Kuroda, Tomoki Todo, Xavier Canron, Andreas Bikfalvi, Robert L Martuza, Andreas Kurtz, Samuel D Rabkin. Dominant-negative fibroblast growth factor receptor expression enhances antitumoral potency of oncolytic herpes simplex virus in neural tumors. Clinical cancer research, 2006; 12(22):6791-9. .并列第一
6)Sun Y, Zhang T, Gao P, Meng B, Gao Y, Wang X, Zhang J, Wang H, Wu X, Zheng W, Zhou G. Targeting glucosylceramide synthase downregulates expression of the multidrug resistance gene MDR1 and sensitizes breast carcinoma cells to anticancer drugs. Breast Cancer Res Trea, 2010; 121(3):591-599.
7)Kun Mu, Li Li, Qingrui Yang, Tingguo Zhang, Peng Gao, Bin Meng, Zhiyan Liu, Yan Wang, Gengyin Zhou. Detection of CHK1 and CCND1 gene copy number changes in breast cancer with dual-colour fluorescence in-situ hybridization. Histopathology. 2011; 58(4):601-7 9)Wen-Bo Li, Xiu-Li Zuo, Chang-Qing Li, Fang Zuo, Xiao-Meng Gu, Tao Yu, Chuan-Lian Chu, Ting-Guo Zhang, Yan-Qing Li. Diagnostic value of confocal laser endomicroscopy for gastric superficial cancerous lesions. Gut. 2011; 60(3):299-306.
8) Wen-Bo Li, Xiu-Li Zuo, Chang-Qing Li, Fang Zuo, Xiao-Meng Gu, Tao Yu, Chuan-Lian Chu, Ting-Guo Zhang, Yan-Qing Li. Diagnostic value of confocal laser endomicroscopy for gastric superficial cancerous lesions. Gut. 2011; 60(3):299-306. 10)Cuijuan Zhang, Hiuming Li, Yan Wang, Wenjun Liu, Qinghui Zhang, Tingguo Zhang, Xiaoying Zhang, Bo Han, Gengyin Zhou. Epigenetic inactivation of the tumor suppressor gene RIZ1 in hepatocellular carcinoma involves both DNA methylation and histone modifications. Journal of hepatology. 2010; 53(5):889-95.